Extra Benefits
Enjoy your complementary perks provided by our medical, dental & life insurance policies.
Learn about the programs below!
Sun Life Health 360
Enjoy your complementary perks provided by our medical, dental & life insurance policies.
Learn about the programs below!
​Download the Sun Life Health 360 App
This is only available to you if you have JRT medical insurance.
360 is a digital app that provides employees with access to resources for support, including health and wellness information, tools for managing medical needs, and connections to Care Advisors.
The app also includes: Interactive tools for mental health, Healthy habit tracking, Fitness challenges, and A library of health and well-being content.
​Sign up Today!
Benefits of the App
Sign up for fitness challenges
Follow along with a video guided workout. Includes pilates, yoga, HIIT or stretch
Follow along with guided meditation and access your metal health
Connect with Health Navigator or Join Hinge Health from the app
Browse everyday health needs, common issues and what to do about them.